Monday, July 28, 2008

Fetch the bride

I didn't know groom got to prepare these until I found this piece of information from a website.

Best man will carry a red tray containing:
  • a piece of raw pork leg which is mum's reward for bringing up the bride,
  • at least four or more, even number of tangerines or oranges for good fortune,
  • some dried persimmons for prosperity,
  • some dried longan in shells for sweetness in the marriage,
  • some dried lotus seeds for having many children,
  • some dried magnolia petals called “pak hup” to wish for hundred years of closeness and happiness in the marriage.
Return with :
  • Even numbered cans of pork trotters or a red packet
  • tangerines or oranges replaced in even numbers
My father has to :
  • throw rice and pak hup (dried magnolia petals) at the bridal car before it drives off.

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