Sunday, September 28, 2008


Most of my invitation cards are ready, except those for relatives. I don't intend to do stenciling, as parents spend too much time finding out relatives' full name. I don't have time to wait. Next week, I shall spend time organising meet ups. Very soon, you will hear from me. And yes, Esther is the first to receive my card, and she like it.

I have solve my 喜饼 problem too. Thanks to Hongxiu's advice, I can actually buy vouchers from cake shops and let my relatives collect themselves! The voucher is valid for a year. This morning I passed by Prima Deli and enquired. They actually do sell 8 and 10 dollar voucher. They can choose the type of cakes and tarts they want when they collect it.

My immediate problem is that the solemniser is unreachable. It seems like he is overseas and I badly need to meet him and let him sign the agreement form. If I can't contact him by next Tuesday, I have to start searching for one again! There's also deadline to file for ROM..if i missed it......

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